
Detection and Recognition System

TechStack:Python, Computer Vision, Django, MYSQL
* Developed system for object detection and recognition based on its color, shape or texture.
* Recognition of object was achieved by keeping that object in front of the frame of camera by using the Local Binary Pattern Histogram algorithm.

React Webpage

TechStack: React, Bootstrap, Javascript, Html, Css.
* This is a simple react webpage which I built while learning about react library and I also deployed this page on heroku. Up and running heroku Link is available here and github link is here

CNN Image Classifier

TechStack: Python, Keras, CNN, Deep Learning
*Used keras(Python) to classify the images from Caltech-10 datasets using deep learning. Applied data-augmentation to get better accuracy before fitting the model. Implemented convolutional neural network to achieve over 90% accuracy on test data.

Netfilx App

TechStack:JavaScript, React, Html, CSS, Firebase
* Created Netflix like web application in React(JavaScript) where one can watch trailer of the movie. Applied styling to it using CSS and deployed to the firebase hosting service. Fetched all information about movies from TMDB(The Movie DB) using their API and displayed them in the form of a movie gallery. Up and running project link is here and github link is here

Blog App

TechStack: Python, Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Flask, Heroku
* Developed a blog web application in Flask(Python) which allows users to create blog post. Implemented user-authentication features (login, logout, register), pagination and deployed to Heroku web hosting service. Up and running project link is here and github link is here

Blood Bank System

TechStack: Java, J2EE, JSP, Web Technologies, SQL
* Online demo website which was my academic project for the course of Object-Oriented Programming with Java, which can be used to track the blood group within the enrolled blood banks of a region. Developed REST web service and Implemented CRUD Operations. github link is here