About Me
Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Python, Javascript, Java. Strong engineering professional with a Masters in Computer Science from Lakehead University.
I completed my Masters in Computer Science from Lakehead University in 2021. My graduate projects was titled Face Recognition System and Recognition of face was achieved by keeping face in front of the frame of camera by using the Local Binary Pattern Histogram algorithm(LBPH).
I have keen interest in Software Engineering. I have made couple of projects in React, Django and Flasks. Those can be found on Github, Links and Projects discreption can be found in Projects section. Currently learning about MERN(Mongo-db, Express, React, Node-js) stack.
I am also interested in ML(Machine Learning), DL(Deep Learning) and NLP(Natural Language Processing). I have made some cool projects on these topic which can be found in Projects Section.
Competitive Programming is one of my hobbies. I am just a beginner and trying to improve. Here are my codechef and hackerrank profiles. I also solve problems from codeforces website.
I do have reading-hobby. I particularily read about Personality developments, Finance, non-Fictions and some novels. I also love reading about Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming Languages, ML, DL, NLP and some other technologies.